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Let create a bus that uses RabbitMQ as the message broker.

We define our custom class, RabbitMQEventBus that use RabbitMQ as the message broker. In the constructor function, we create an instance of GraphQLEventbus class. While most of the constructor argument fields are simply passed to the GraphQLEventbus, we have to implement the custom logic publishing, subscribing, and initialization for RabbitQM. First, we create a topic exchange (idempotent operation) and initialize consume and publish channel depending on if instance of the bus publisher and/or consumes (see the init method).

  • Step 1: We publish an event with the routing key as the name of the topic. The baggage, which is an object with the event payload and the metadata is serialized string using JSON.stringify and published as a buffer.

  • Step 2: We bind the consumeChannel with all the topics that that the consumer has subscribed to. Note that to consume an event in RabbitMQ, we have to create a queue and bind it to a channel. Although not required, to load balance across multiple instance of the same service, we use a unique queue name for each service. Once we idempotently create the queue, we find all the topics that we subscribe to using the bindQueue method on the consumeChannel. Finally, we call consume method on the channel and invote the DataCb callback every time a message is received. We deserialize the payload and pass the Baggage to the callback. Finally, once the message is consumed successfully, we ack the message.

  • Step 3: We add an init method to initialize our bus. We must initialize the GraphQLEventbus. In addition, we also initialize the connection and create the channels for publishing and consuming events. We also add a closeConsumer and a closePublisher method to close these channels when we close the connection. Finally, we expose a method publish to publish events. It simply calls publish on GraphQLEventbus and passes through the topic, payload, and metadata to be propagated.
import amqp from "amqplib";
import { DocumentNode, GraphQLSchema } from "graphql";
import {
} from "graphql-eventbus";

export type RabbitMQEventBusConfig = {
publisher?: {
schema: GraphQLSchema;
subscriber?: {
schema: GraphQLSchema;
queries: DocumentNode;
cb: EventBusSubscriberCb;
serviceName: string;
plugins?: EventBusPlugin[];

const EXCHANGE = "event-hub";
const QUEUE_INITIALS = "graphql-eventbus-";

export class RabbitMQEventBus {
bus!: GraphQLEventbus;
connection!: amqp.Connection;
consumeChannel?: amqp.Channel;
publishChannel?: amqp.Channel;
constructor(public config: RabbitMQEventBusConfig) {
const queueName = `${QUEUE_INITIALS}-${config.serviceName}`;
this.bus = new GraphQLEventbus({
plugins: config.plugins,
publisher: config.publisher
? {
schema: config.publisher?.schema,
publish: async (args) => {
// Step 1
payload: args.baggage.payload,
metadata: args.baggage.metadata,
: undefined,
subscriber: config.subscriber
? {
schema: config.subscriber.schema,
queries: config.subscriber.queries,
cb: config.subscriber.cb,
subscribe: (topics, dataCb) => {
// Step 2
?.assertQueue(queueName, {
exclusive: false,
.then((q) => {
topics.forEach((topic) => {
this.consumeChannel?.bindQueue(queueName, EXCHANGE, topic);
this.consumeChannel?.consume(queueName, (msg) => {
if (msg?.content) {
baggage: JSON.parse(msg!.content.toString("utf-8")),
topic: msg?.fields.routingKey!,
.then(() => {
.catch((e) => {
throw e;
: undefined,
// Step 3: Startup logic
init = async () => {
const connection = await amqp.connect("amqp://localhost");
if (this.config.publisher) {
const channel = await connection.createChannel();
await channel.assertExchange(EXCHANGE, "topic", {
durable: false,
this.publishChannel = channel;
if (this.config.subscriber) {
const channel = await connection.createChannel();
await channel.assertExchange(EXCHANGE, "topic", {
durable: false,
this.consumeChannel = channel;
this.connection = connection;
await this.bus.init();

publish = (args: {
payload: {};
topic: string;
metadata?: Partial<GraphQLEventbusMetadata>;
}) => {
return this.bus.publish({
payload: args.payload,
topic: args.topic,
metadata: args.metadata,

// Step 3: Close consumer logic
closeConsumer = async () => {
if (this.consumeChannel) {
await this.consumeChannel.close();

// Step 3: Close publisher logic
closePublisher = async () => {
if (this.publishChannel) {
await this.publishChannel.close();

// Step 3: Close the connection
close = async () => {